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(1) 2018-05-12, a few words from your Konn Leif Erlingsson, Monarch of State Sweden, Leif of Godland, Leif af Östersjöväldet:

An oppressed people without self-respect can not respect anything.  That is why Sweden is severely criticized by the UN for how Sweden treated the Sami rights.  (See, for example, SvD today.)

All 9 countries in the Baltic Sea Region, and 134 further countries, on 13-9-(1)2007 ratified the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, where Article 20. p. 1 states that indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be safeguarded in the enjoyment of their own means of living and development, and to participate freely in all their traditional and other economic activities:  "Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional and other economic activities."  (After Ditta & Leif of Godland invoked Indigenous Decentralisation, see Declaration of Godland and Charter of Godland, 12017-06-11, these rights are certainly not less than they previously were due to that declaration, that is of course now cancelled by Ditta & Leif of Godland together with all other national or international statutes, rules, treaties, etc.)

Sami and other indigenous peoples can not get respected without to first end the oppression of the ordinary Swedes.  An oppressed people without self-respect can not respect anything.

Generally speaking, Swedes are extremely unaware and lack a real internal dialogue, they are "calculators" but can't think independently.  They therefore lack internal control, but are entirely governed by external rules, traditions, etc.  The Swede is further deliberately PREVENTED from growing up, from creating an internal dialogue.  Therefore, Swedes generally can not understand rights, but only follow various forms of rules, such as traditions, etc.  This means that the Swedes generally can not respect others who do not belong to the same tradition or others who choose not to belong to the same tradition.  (Everybody "should" by bullied/mobbed into the same template...)

There have been several books written on the subject is the Swede human.  With far too few exceptions, the answer become that the Swede are not human because the humans are almost already exterminated.  The social-democratic racial project involving forced sterilization and other social expurgation measures, such as forced detention of children and subjecting the abducted children to severe upbringing with consequences like addictions, etc., can be assumed to in deciding degree systematically having targeted precisely those categories of real human kind beings who have an internal dialogue, a higher or in any case potentially a higher intellect, and who precisely because of that have been or are not adapted to the calculator society.

Still, there are some human kind beings left.  In practice, however, those who are not real human kind beings need to be controlled, since they can not control themselves and would be dangerous if they were released.  Right now, Benedict Spinoza is right about these.  Because it was Benedict Spinoza who in 1670 wrote that people should not be characterized as condemned or saved, but that there was an enormous disproportion between the permanently irrational, those who were absolutely dangerous, and those who had common sense.  He wrote that the ratio was about twenty to one.  And suggested that an institutional school system should be introduced as a civil religion.  (Tractatus Theologico-Politicus 16 (8/46), "Spinoza's Political Philosophy" by Justin Steinberg, 2013.)

BUT.  Should these instead be guided to how to create an internal dialogue, then this is not correct.  This is where Ola Alexander Frisk's work is so crucial, as Ola shows how people are deprived of their natural childish curiosity and ability to create their own inner understanding with questions, questions, questions.  I saw a larger survey about that small children were 98% in genius category when it came to imagination and creativity, but as they got up in the classes in school this drastically (systemically, ON PURPOSE!!!) went down, to at adult age have turned around to 2%.  A systemic crime of more than genocide magnitude, near omnicide magnitude.

The solution for Swedes to be able to respect the rights of others is therefore to stop oppressing the Swedes, to guide the Swedes to a real inner dialogue/a truly independent thinking.  Another consequence of the lack of independent thinking is that the Swede does not understand how a state's legitimacy is created, or for that matter, what a state can or can not do, and that, therefore, Swedes can not either understand when legitimacy is lacking.  Officials can therefore, for example, not understand when they go too far.
