Template for reminding everyone of the fact of the status as a citizen of Kingdom of Sweden through Monarchy State Sweden, not the other way around.
As support to Human Kind to be able to remind everyone of one's status as a citizen of Kingdom of Sweden through Monarchy State Sweden within the jurisdiction of Love Order of Godland, as the corporations of The Roman Curia without declaration of war have occupied the state, commit mass murder and have stolen the state and all inheritance and are also sterilizing the people, therefore this template is given.
I, of Godland, stand under the jurisdiction of Love Order of Godland, as does Monarchy State Sweden. Only trough this jurisdiction and as to the degree that it is respected, do I through the peoples of Sweden's citizen cooperative Monarchy State Sweden with it's Peace- and Government policy statement stand under Kingdom of Sweden. You who claim to have authority over me must show how you are verified and validated through Monarchy State Sweden, because otherwise I must assume that you are not controlled and validated by my people but that you instead belong to an unlawful occupying power who I have no obligation whatsoever to respect and who I do not even have the right to respect, as that would be treason and I am not a traitor.
(Verify the lawfulness of the structure that have hired you by looking at it's contract with the citizen state Kingdom of Sweden or the lack of such contracts; and validate the signers to have sworn an oath to the citizens and the people's state Kingdom of Sweden and to the Swedish Indigenous. Create such contracts where they are lacking, establish lawful power that is loyal to the Indigenous and the citizens.)
of Godland,
, 10 000 year added for Indigenous time.
Godland and Monarchy State Sweden doesn't fool or force people to obey, but earn loyalty and trust through respect for life and prosperity for all. As loving and responsible Human Kind, we don't pretend that the well being of others isn't our concern.