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Stefan Ratzeburg

T h e


Part 3

p. 2:

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Dear people of Germany and
dear people all over the world!

In the third part, I will briefly summarise again what it is all about:

The Vatican and the enemies of humanity: the struggle/fight for justice/law
A quote from:  Sun Tzu: The Art of War:
    Those who know the enemy and themselves in war do not run the risk of going down in a hundred battles.
    He who knows himself but not the enemy will have to accept defeat for every victory.
    But he who knows neither himself nor the enemy must fear every battle.

With the Vatican, the enemies of humanity have created a means to enslave humanity and plunge it into the abyss.  We need to understand that religious, unsuspecting people have been abused en masse for centuries to serve or cover sinister ends.

The study of our history of law has long faced a wall of thought: the false notion that our ancestors were primitive and slow to evolve.  That is why we have to add one thing to important findings of the last 200 years: that these findings were found under this false basic assumption.
What does this mean for our law now?
It is said that our ancestors, (who of course also had customary rights), were not so individual out of incapacity or because of a "low" level of development, but out of the logical consequence that results when a spiritual being has honour and its own conscience, to which it is bound, integrated into the cosmic laws of creation, which it faithfully serves.

As long as every human being is such a spiritual being with his/her own sense of inner balance, he and she is bound to the highest law, the highest sphere of law: the eternally valid cosmic laws.  That is where we want to go again.  For the sovereign, individual, creative human being is only subject to the universally valid cosmic laws.
The rest he/she regulates as a free being in an intelligent way that secures this freedom of the individual.

Our legal history begins in a state where people still had a memory of their individuality and their balance with cosmic laws.  These cosmic laws do not apply from a certain day, but always and even where no one is looking.

Now, if this view collides with a notion of literal law, which applies by statute from a certain day (which makes a lot of sense for contracts), that is, statutory law, but outside the sphere of commerce, the impression must arise:  Traditions and older rights are more valid.  This clash of legal ideas provided an opportunity for systematic fraud and led to a flourishing forgery of documents by the Vatican, the most glaring example of which is the Donation of Constantine, because: the older the document, the higher the right.
It was a logical consequence that as many people as possible were kept away from the sphere of writing, in which this literal in-justice of the new and Roman law put into a code took place quite undisturbed.
This is precisely the way in which the indigenous peoples of Earth were also deprived of their ancestral rights.  Where this did not succeed, the people were destroyed.  Where this did not succeed, they damaged their descendants so that they would not be able to fight for their rights.  Where this did not succeed, they were drawn into the deception of the Maritime Law, which had been established worldwide in brazen crime in order to degrade all human beings to commodities.

p. 3:

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We must understand that the Vatican fought by means of the law it itself developed according to its wishes (and adopted by the so-called secular world).  Why?  It is quicker to reach all people equally than with the largest army.  The makers of these laws exempted themselves from them by defining themselves as godlike and thus above human beings and by asserting this power of definition for themselves and enforcing it with all their means.

To end the injustice, we had to confront the Vatican at this level.  The systematic in-justice of the pontifex maximus (=the highest priest= pope) can only be confronted by the rex maximus, the highest King by the grace of God, to end it.  This is exactly what has happened with the NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE of 2021.  The self-important arrogance of the power of definition, faith and law by the Vatican has thus come to an end for all time in a legally valid and legally binding manner.

We see a systematic intent to deceive and defraud and destroy expressed throughout the Earth as follows:

Assertion of the sovereignty of definition:in history, science, society

Preventing giftedness, talent and knowledge:by/through society/ food/ environment/ medicine
Knowingly falsifying documents:of history and law
Fraud through deception:bondage, enslavement, mass murder and genocide
Laws and treaties as a means of fight against humanity:
Unam sanctam/
Cestui que vie/  Birth certificate, …
Lowering the legal sphere:down to the Maritime law

And it is precisely in the latter, the lowering of the legal sphere, that the Achilles' heel of the whole monstrous system lies:
Because the following still applies:  The higher legal sphere is above the lower one!
So a usurper cannot reach from below for the higher sphere of right, he cannot dissolve it!
He can only try to make it forgotten.  This has not succeeded.  The Sovereign rights of the King of Prussia are valid and untouched.  And that is why it was possible for me as the rightful successor – because I have survived up to this point – to legally dissolve this monstrous entity on the highest legal level, as well as to re-establish the legally binding connection to the universally valid cosmic laws.

The abuse of the Sovereign Rights:
The Shadow Court of Lüdenscheid as a political singularity

Energetic systems want to be in flow, they resemble a torus with a central centre axis.  There is a point in the middle of this central axis:  This is the point in which everything converges, from which everything diverges, it is the centre, a singularity.

This point is the point of wonder, of life - and of power.  It is the King's point.

It creates an energetic torus - as with every living being,
Such energetic systems can also be built politically.

p. 4:

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The singularity, the King’s point of the illegal political system, became Lüdenscheid.  – Why?

The unused Sovereign rights of the King of Prussia, which could not be dissolved by abdication in the course of history were a singularity in the sense of international law.  They were used to build a SYSTEM that ran by itself like a machine:

By usurping these Sovereign rights one occupied the King’s point, the singularity of the SYSTEMS, this made it possible to establish a sovereign PARALLEL SYSTEM to our visible society.  The Sovereign rights of the King of Prussia, hijacked by high finance etc. (see: The Gordian Knot of World History: Germany), were used by a self-appointed "elite" to commit the most horrendous crimes worldwide, which brought humanity to the abyss and genocide.

After the death of my grandfather, my father, Albrecht Ratz(e)burg, would have been the rightful King of Prussia, and therefore – for reasons explained in earlier films – the King of Germany, etc.,
whose Sovereign rights stood above all treaties concluded under commercial law since 1871, and above all rights of all dynasties of princes, who abdicated.  Nor had his lineage been guilty under the Nazi regime.
1959, at a time when the last prisoners of war were coming home, my father, Albrecht Ratz(e)burg, 1956 had registered his residence in Lüdenscheid.  In 1958 the Sovereign rights had been secretly transferred to Lüdenscheid and Albrecht Ratz(e)burg was taken to a Tzech prison camp, where they tried to make him disappear.  16 months later he returned to Lüdenscheid, saved by his mother.

He had no idea what a landslide he was causing!

For secretly and invisibly for him there arose in this way a shadow court, in which everyone was cavorting there, who wanted to make use of these secretly hijacked Sovereign rights for their business.

Lüdenscheid became the EMERGENCY GENERATOR of the FRG/”Germany” and the Deep State, it was a   P E R P E T U UM  MOBILE   of darkness.

And how was this put into practice?

It has already been explained how "Prince" BISMARCK built together with US high finance etc. a well-functioning "M A C H I N E":

The special rights from the Principality of Lauenburg made a worldwide licensing business possible, coupled with the gigantic financial possibilities of high finance and the usurped Sovereign rights of the King of Prussia/Germany.

Camouflaged to infinity were these Sovereign rights of the King of Prussia, and thus of Germany, etc.:  After their usurpation, they were transferred to Lüdenscheid and implemented there at the smallest political subject: the B Ü R G E R M E I S T E R, (Lord Mayor) which thus became the core of an illegal international SOVEREIGNTY-LICENCE-TRADE:
L Ü D E N S C H E I D, t h e   L I C E N C E - R E S I D E N C E .

From here the darkness spread its licences of crime all over the world.

p. 5:

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The rightful King, my father Albrecht Ratz(e)burg, hardly suspected a thing.
In a tremendous gaslighting process, which was carried out by a MAFIA –like CODE OF HONOUR in Lüdenscheid, he and I, Stefan Ratzeburg, fought for our very survival.

Whoever broke this code of honour lost his LIFE, his HEALTH, or his FREEDOM (psychiatry).

People from public life turned up in Lüdenscheid in large numbers and spoke in their words and songs in INSINUATIONS, ATTITUDES.

Individual upright courageous people dared now and then a hint, whereas the participants in the crime felt confident of victory and in their mockery revealed fragments of their plan:
P U Z Z L E   P I E C E S.

In a kind of double-entry bookkeeping FILES were created in two versions: a FILE of SEEMING and a FILE of BEING.  Another INSTRUMENT for the implementation of this gigantic LEGAL SUGGESTION formed the (Nobility-) ARCHIVE in MARBURG and LÜDENSCHEID: also here a double-entry bookkeeping!!!

Through the "language organisation" (Sprachorganisation) could (noble) names "disappear" or "appear":
Camouflage at the highest level!

My whole life was a struggle for survival in a war.  Many of these scenes were filmed, I often saw the camera at these constructed "accidents".  Nothing was left to chance, everything was documented by these enemies of humanity.

All names of those involved in these crimes are listed by name and secured with evidence in appropriate locations.

But even the luminous forces that stand by humanity's side to help, have left nothing to chance.  It is no coincidence which being they have chosen for this struggle for survival, for this concentrated collection of the legitimate Sovereign rights and for their return to humanity.

It was they themselves who spoke the prophecies of salvation of the people long ago.  For they already knew the end.  They were above time and space.

The energy and lightning weapon of truth destroyed the centre of the dark system, which occupied the King's Point to establish a globe of horror on Earth.

The King's Point shines bright and pure again.  The living Earth can now flourish.

Stefan Ratzeburg letters