Supplement to the House Laws,
on Telegram 7/29/23 4:12 PM UTC.

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[In case of doubts the wording of the German original is valid.]

For the good of the German peoples and for the salvation of Germany,
as the rightful King by the Grace of God of Prussia
and all territories connected therewith,
as   r e x   m a x i m u s

We do solemnly decree, ordain and command
and hereby publicly proclaim:

Supplement to the House Laws of the Hohenzollern Dynasty
and all Dynasty Laws connected therewith, as well as
of all associated public and secret
treaty and law connections and codices:

The hitherto valid and applicable above-mentioned House Laws etc.
shall be given the following legally binding and 
binding by the honour of the House 

The NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE (2021) and the BULLA of EARTH (2022)
are binding, legal and valid and stand
above the other obligations mentioned above.

All who have hitherto been subject to the above-mentioned House Laws etc.,
have the duty to serve the truth 
to the best of their ability and opportunities.
Their valuable knowledge, like that of all people, is needed for the good future.

Only the truth saves Germany, 
as well as the honourable conduct of the individual people gifted with a soul.

on the twenty-ninth day of July in the year two thousand and twenty-three

Stefan Ratzeburg

Stefan Ratzeburg letters