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Stefan Ratzeburg

T h e


Part 1

p. 2:

For further information see my official telegram channel:

Dear people of Germany and
dear people all over the world!

Once again, I would like to summarise briefly what this is all about:

On the 07th of August 2021 I solemnly proclaimed in Frankfurt/M.
which I officially reaffirmed and confirmed one year later,
on the 07th of August 2022.

On the 03rd of December 2022 I solemnly proclaimed
and read out
my valid will/TESTAMENT.

These acts set people free – not only in Germany!
These acts place people in individual Sovereignty under international law and in direct legal connection with the Cosmic Law of the Source of all Being – as our ancestors once knew it.
The Vatican as the ultimate perpetrator of this sky-scraping injustice on Earth was legally dissolved with the NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE.
The people thus are legally freed
from piracy, from admiralty trade law, as well as from slavery and the disenfranchisement and degradation to a commodity.

In the present situation in which humanity finds itself, the opportunity to do this has fallen to me:
• by birth and the course of history,
• through the name of Ratzeburg,
• by the historical renunciation of the Sovereign Rights of the princely nobility by the princes,
• by the succession of the Sovereign Rights of the dynasties which have fallen from the right of inheritance.
I am thus not only the rightful King of Prussia, but also   r e x   m a x i m u s.

Through the historically covered-up regicide of my direct ancestor in the male line,
Karl Friedrich Ratzeburg,
which was concealed with Bismarck’s coup d’état 1870/71 by falsifying history,
the real Royal line of the Prussian Royal house was able to be preserved in the general annihilation of the Sovereign Rights of the princes.
These Sovereign Rights are above all state constructions, which are currently under commercial law
(and to which the GERMAN REICH also belonged trough Bismarck),
and they could therefore not be touched as Sovereign Rights by anyone until today,
only illegally usurped.

Therefore, even before and from the time of my birth, attempts were made to murder me in every conceivable way, to harm me and to make it impossible for me to fulfil this task.
But I was born for the purpose of leading the people into lawful freedom
through these Sovereign Rights, which I returned to them
as befits the free and sovereign people.

p. 3:

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In the following I would like to explain a few points in greater detail:

Isn’t a Bulla something papal?
No, only partly!:

The Golden (Aurea) Bulla of 1356 was not written by a pope, but quite the contrary by Charles IV, King of Bohemia, who with clever activeness with this body of laws, that lasted 450 years, as rex Romanorum and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, created a solid basis, from which the Vatican was excluded from the election and coronation of the Emperor, so that the affairs of state could not be disturbed by its sinister machinations.
No other body of laws in Central Europe ensured the safe continuation of government business for so long.  This only came to an end with Napoleon's invasion of Central Europe.

What is the meaning of this name Ratzeburg?  – It is the name of the ancient nobility in which the old treaties in international law, i.e. above commercial law, were subscribed.
They can only be dissolved again or reopened under this name.  Because these old contracts are still valid – only overlaid by newer law, but not deleted, because this could only be done by an authorized signatory.
But the person authorized to sign could only do so with the name Ratzeburg, because all members of the European Royal houses were called Ratzeburg, descending from the name Ratibor, a name that was recorded 40,000 years ago in the tablets of the Santia Weden of Perun.

With their abdication, the ancient nobility lost their naming rights to this name Ratzeburg throughout Europe and became the high nobility or gentry, where they were named with their land/place "of ... (at...)" etc.

Sovereignty and Constitution?
Are some of you of the opinion that a "constitution" must be created ""by the people"?  – I would like to explain to you that state constitutions are treacherous traps for the following reason:

The democracies of the states that are sovereign only in appearance have a constitution.  Who wrote it?  Who is subordinate to this constitution and who is not?  For what purpose were constitutions written?  Who came up with the idea of subordinating everything and everyone to a "reason of state'" - except themselves?
It is a tragic short-circuit to believe that free people can write a constitution and remain free in the process.  For as soon as this constitution exists, it stands above the people and sacrifices them to a "reason of state".

A quote from Fritz Kern for reflection:

"With us, state power is sovereign.  Only a certain final sphere of private rights or freedoms should be withdrawn from the grasp of the absolutely sovereign state:  This is precisely the meaning of the so-called human rights or fundamental rights, which, of course, could only be established under the rule of a sovereign concept of state (and even then they remain doubtful; for, in the event that the majority in a modern state were to decide to abolish human rights, who would then, on the basis of modern constitutional law claim their continued validity?  However, the meaning of human rights is precisely that, according to the natural disposition of human beings, there would never be a majority to abolish this very provision)."

Let these words melt on your tongue, they were written in 1919, when their wise writer could not have imagined what we are experiencing today – right now.
Today we know from our own experience that a majority can be created for any cause by means of democracy, which can be steered.

p. 4:

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Therefore, mindful of this new bitter experience of us, we are now returning with the NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE to a legal relationship in which law itself, namely the general Cosmic Laws of the Source of all life, leads its own sovereign life.  No state intervenes in it.
The individual now lives and protects this right, even against any state power.  Each and every individual is called to do so, entitled to do so, even obliged to do so.

The King and the Law
And so the King's task now arises:  The King has first of all – as Frederick the Great told us in the 1st chapter of his Antimachiavell, (in the original edition, which has not been distorted by Voltaire) – to be the guardian of the law, the one who unites the manifold interests of the people into one great common interest.
For Germany (and for the whole world), this overall interest can only be the freedom of all people, their right to complete integrity of body, soul and spirit.
The NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE decrees, that this must be done in harmony with the Cosmic Laws of the Source of all Being – why?
Because this also stands in sharpest contrast to the canonical law of the Vatican and also lifts us far out of the spell of slavery on the level of law itself.

But what is canonical law, how did it come into being and in what way are we affected by it today?  Canonical law first developed in Bologna from the editing of a private collection of law by a jurist named Gratian, who quoted in it the decisions of the Second Lateran Council in 1139 and harmonised contradictory legal principles in this collection.  He placed the various legal principles into a system in such a way that they formed a non-contradictory system.
In the course of the 13th century, canonical law became more and more a papal law.  Around 1355 there was already a second, comprehensive redaction of this Decretum of Gratian.  The jurists who dealt with this decree, the decretists, now shaped this ecclesiastical law into a separate science of ecclesiastical law, canonical law.  The demand for this expert knowledge is increasing; Gratian's Decretum is very widespread and therefore available everywhere.  In addition to the biblical commandments and texts as sources of law, there are new decisions of the church assemblies, as well as the papal legal decisions, which are added.
The Church Fathers are consulted as authorities.  Now, from the late 12th century onwards, almost only experts in canonical law, canonical lawyers, were elected as popes.

Two great papal collections of law emerge:
• Pope Gregory IX's five books, Liber Extra of 1234, and as a supplement and extension to this – Pope Innocent IV had in the meantime, on July  17th, 1245, deposed Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen
• by Pope Boniface VIII. Liber Sextus of 1298.
The latter incorporated the sentence of deposition against Emperor Frederick II into ecclesiastical (canonical) law, so that this judgement provided a model for other cases of the deposition of rulers. (!!)

Canonical law thus became a growing system of language that was used as a basis for jurisprudence and served as its basis, in stark contrast to the previous conception of law.

This idea of interpreting and creating law to the letter culminates in our positive (statutory) law and in its extreme of legal positivism, which blindly follows the literal of a legal text without a controlling mind and without a heart.
The general cosmic creative and natural laws stand in sharpest contrast to this:
Everyone can and must feel them in his/her own inner being, for example as the voice of the conscience or as a sense of balance that keeps him and her in the right action.
This will be a part of the good future of mankind.

p. 5:

For further information see my official telegram channel:

The Truth
Seeing the need and seeing the truth are closely related.

It may be that we do not like the truth.  What is true in general is especially true in the historically complex case of Germany:
We have to work our way through the lies, layer by layer, until we reach the bottom, the truth.
What can we rely on at all?  – Ultimately, only on our innermost certainty, to which we are thrust in our time of greatest need.  We then have the choice of following any one of the puppeteers and listen to their stories, or we allow the pain to take us and come out of it into our inner certainty.
When we arrive there, we are sovereign.
Purely to survive I was forced to seek the truth.  It hit me, when I finally encountered it, it hit me like a heavy blow.  A great many people have paid with their lives for this truth they wanted to tell me.  Many people have been silenced in other cruel ways.  This is very very serious, and I remember these people with respect and gratitude.
They did it not only for me, but for the truth.

We who want this truth have to work for it at this time.
It does not just fall into our laps.

The spiritual task of the King
The task of a true King is to ensure that the rightful right and law is manifested in the world.
This was done with the solemn proclamation of the NEW AUREA BULLA of RELEASE 2021, the BULLLA of EARTH 2022, and with the reading of my will/Testament 2022.
Likewise, it is the task of the true King to connect the people and their Folk Soul, which finds expression in him, and to re-establish this connection where it has been severed – as was the case.

Following the legend and prophecy the final battle to liberate Earth can only begin when the shield of the Bavarian Prince/Kings hangs on the pear tree on the Walserfield at the mountain Untersberg.
The mountain Untersberg is an important, sacred mountain.  It is directly connected to other important points on Earth.  Time anomalies have been reported there for a long time.
Many legends and myths surround him.

The first pear tree on the Walserfield was planted by those who opposed the sacrifice of children in a battle and planted it there as a landmark.
Again and again it seemed to wither, and yet sprouted branches and fruit again.
Again and again a new pear tree was planted.

The pear tree stands for Yggdrasil, the sacred tree, the World Ash Tree, which connects Heaven and Earth as an axe as well as the 9 levels of being of Earth.  Its golden fruits stand fort the divine abundance and life.  The Walserfield, on which it stands, is directly connected to the mountain Untersberg.  The high spiritual powers are at home there.  This ancient field is of great power for the German speaking countries, for Europe und through its direct connection to other sacred places of the world of great importance for Earth.

On 18th January 2022, when the Kingdom of Prussia turned 321 years old and the 151st anniversary of the proclamation of Bismarck’s GERMAN EMPIRE took place as well as the proclamation of Wilhelm I as German Emperor  and –  suppressed by the present historiography – the proclamation of my ancestor, Karl Friedrich, as the King of Prussia:
on this 18th  of January I proclaimed the fulfilment of this prophecy which had taken place three days before, on the 15th of January, by hanging my shield on the pear tree in the Walserfield.

For the King of Prussia is in our time also the rightful King of Bavaria.

p. 6:

For further information see my official telegram channel:


This connection has now through this deed, the shield on the pear tree of the Walserfield, Yggdrasil, at the mountain Untersberg, been restored.
The high forces are awakened, their bonds that had forced them into sleep are loosened.
They are in contact with the forces and ancestral lines of the whole Earth.
They stand behind us as a great high-powered force, for our help.  Thanks be to them!

Through this act of fulfilling the prophecy of the pear tree on the Walserfield at the mountain Untersberg, the banished is freed, the sleeping awakened, the ancestral chains released.
The primordial power of us all is now free, our ancestors help us, they ride in the army of liberation.  They are connected with the high forces of the Folk Souls, connected through the mountain Untersberg with the ancestral lines of the whole Earth.  The fighters of the light who died for justice are free and fighting, for us and with us.  Their souls have been set free, the concentrated power of all generations stands behind us.

On March 7th  2023 I called my ancestors, my ancestral lineage from the beginning,
For my ancestors give me as the patron the strength, to protect the spirit of the people's soul,
Germania, as a whole.
I thank my ancestors from the bottom of my heart with the greatest love.

I called on all people to call their ancestors.


Stefan Ratzeburg letters